Writing despite Corona

Writing seminar and final assignments despite Corona virus – is that possible?


Not if you…

  • …let yourself be distracted by all good and bad news, forecasts and conspiracy theories regarding Corona.
  • …cannot focus any more because of all worries and concerns.
  • …fall into numbness due to horror of the future or all possible negative developments.


Yes, if you…

  • …remain realistic. Corona will pass by, then life will go on!
  • …think positive. You’ve never had so much time to write before. Make use of this extra time!
  • …realize the chance for reading an reflecting without pressure. None of your friends attends parties or experiences something exicitig while you are sitting alone in your room. You don’t miss anything – the best preconditions!


Some advice how to succeed with final assignments 

  • Avoid continuous media consumption. Consume focused and consciously. One time a day is enough.
  • Stick to a day structure (such as getting up, getting dressed, breakfast, work, lunch, work, telephone-meetings with friends, virtual yoga lessons, etc.)
  • Plan work units and breaks as precise as possible and schedule them in your agenda.
  • Remain in contact with people who are important to you. You could, for instance, make appointments for „telephone meetings“.
  • Internet offery plenty of possibilities for research and seeking literature – closed libraries must not prevent you from writing.
  • Remain in contact with your tutor. She/he can give you support with the contence. 
  • Make use of all kinds of exercises to obtain „writing-spirit“ (free writing, writing marathon with peers, etc.

Should you require psychological counseling, contact us via telephone or email!