Choose a course despite Corona

Study and career choice in times like these…?!


How can I decide what to study in this completely different situation?

It is true that under the present circumstances and the subsequent insecurity, it might feel awkward or even impossible to constructively consider one’s own future. The usual situations at schools, universities and academies have been stopped. It is not clear yet, when the everyday-procedures will be taken on again. But yet, it is also true now: The individual study and career choice is a dynamic process that takes time as well as active reflection. Thus, it should be focused on now despite all question marks surrounding us.


How can I discover my own ideas for my future in these days?

The first step in this decision process is to start „communicating with oneself“. This can be done everywhere! It can be useful to contemplate the following questions: What do I expect from my future? Which are my strengths ans talents? What am I interested in? Which skills do I want to acquire? What is possible here regarding financial and time resources? How mobile am I, could I move out? What is also important for me (experiences abroad, internships, jobs,…)?
Family and friends are precious sources of inputs and evaluations here!


Where can I get information at the moment?

Despite all current restrictions, Internet offers unlimited possibilities of ideas and information concerning studies and career. Websites such as or both provide an overview over all studies offered in Austria as well as more detailed information about each of them. Take the courage to consider a broad spectrum of options. Then, in a second step, limit your choice again by rational considering.

Important: Remain updated on the daily and maybe altered information given by universities on their websites concerning deadlines for registration and admission procedures!


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© Lea Wiese